Our democracy is under attack.

For a century, voters across the political spectrum have used ballot initiatives to reform fundamental issues—such as voting rights, gerrymandering, money in politics, open primaries, and modernizing elections—that enjoy broad public support, when politicians refuse to act.

But now, power-hungry legislatures in 12 states across America are gutting the citizen initiative petition process in a desperate power grab. It is time to stand up and stop these assaults on our freedom of self-government.

Together, we will protect and strengthen ballot initiatives and create a vibrant democracy that actually works for the American people.

Democracy landscape

States with a Ballot Initiative or Referendum Process:

CLICK HERE to see a map tracking every active attack on voting rights across the U.S.

Cross Partisan Approach

Working with all Americans
for all Americans

The members of our coalition have successfully passed statewide and local ballot initiatives in the past, including independent redistricting commissions, open primaries, conflict of interest reform, voting reform, and more, in Michigan, Nevada, Missouri, and beyond. Their leadership includes Democrats, Republicans, and independents. The Conservatives Against Corruption coalition has successfully changed the narrative around partisan support for ballot initiatives in Missouri and is looking forward to helping in more states. Together we can secure this crucial voting right for generations to come.

In the News

St. Louis County voters could be asked to publicly finance elections

Missouri voters approve Amendment 7, banning better voting

The Fahey Q&A with Michael Calcagno of All Oregon Votes